- Eligibility Criteria
- Admission Procudure
- Certification Process
- Placement Opportunities


Eligibility Criteria

KIDs Course / Courses for School Students

These courses are basically designed to boost up the students for their school level computer syllabus. Only school students having their valid School Identity Card can join for these courses. Candidates more than or equal to 18 years of age are not allowed for these courses.

Foundation Courses (NYCLD-Smart, CCA & DCA)

There is no age and qualification restriction for foundation courses like CCA and DCA. All interested candidates can take admission in these courses for becoming a computer literate in handling any official or personal job. But, as the organisation always searches for talented candidates he/she must enclose the photocopy of his/her last qualifying Certificate and Mark-sheet at the time of admission. As the course NYCLD-Smart is specially offered to the candidates appeared for class X or Class XII final Examination this course require the photocopy of Admit Card for class X final eaxm.

Career Courses (DCP, ADCA, DIMP, ASMS, DFA & DDTP)

For these courses the interested students must have the knowledge of computer equivalent to CCA or DCA of NYCLD. He / She must have the capabilities to accept the lectures on each subject. Candidates for ASMS course must qualify a written entrance examination conducted by NYCLD authority before admission.

Specialization Courses (DTP, CFA & NYCLD-Web Power)

Candidates should have the idea of handling Operating System related to files and folders management. Beside this the candidates interested for DTP (Desk Top Publishing) course should have some creativity or sense of art for better achievement. Candidates desiring to join for CFA (Certificate in Financial Accounting) course should have a commerce background with knowledge of Accountancy.

Short Term Courses

These all are need base courses. Thus any candidate choosing a course apart from the course of Operating System must have a prior knowledge of Computer Operation.

Admission Procedure

To take admission in any of NYCLD courses the candidate have to go through the eligibility criteria described above and fill the Admission Form available in the prospectus from an ATC (Authorized Training Centre) only. The candidate should fill both the forms (ATC Copy & H.O. Copy) after following the instructions carefully. The student has to mention the Course Code and Course Name clearly as per the prospectus while filling the Application cum Admission Form. After confirming the registration at Head Office the selected course can�t be changed except upgradation to a higher course. While filling the application form use only ball pen with blue ink and write all the information in Capital letters leaving a space between two words.

Submission of Application cum Admission Form and the list of enclosures

The following enclosures to be submitted along with the Application form.

  1. Two recent passport size photographs are to be pasted on the application cum admission form and one stamp size photo is to be submitted for Identity Card.
  2. Photocopies of the qualifying certificates.
  3. A demand draft of the amount as par the lump sum or admission fee for the selected course is to be attached therewith the application form. The Demand Draft must be in favour of "PC-TECH" payable at Asansol / Burnpur.
Name of the student, Form Serial Number and ATC Code must be written in Capital letters on the backside of the Demand Draft and the photograph.

Certification Process

Examination & Evaluation

All students have to sit for both terminal and final examinations to qualify. As the mission has a wide range of quality courses of different duration the number of terminal examinations depend on the selected course. Plese refer to Student Prospectus or current Curriculum Sheet.
  1. Each terminal examination and assignment/project will be of 100 marks, and one has to get a minimum 30% to qualify in those examinations.
  2. Until he or she succeed in terminal examinations scoring minimum 30% of marks is not eligible for appearing in Final Examination.
  3. After qualifying in Final Examination scoring minimum 40% marks the student will be awarded a certificate with the grade as per their obtained marks.
  4. The overall performance will be evaluated by aggregating 50% of the score obtained in Terminal Examinations & 50% of the score obtained in the Final examination.
  5. If any student, registered for a Post Graduate Diploma Course wants to discontinue after completion of DCA part due to lack of time or any unavoidable reason is required to apply to NYCLD Head Office for his/her certificate of DCA.
Grade Bar for terminal Examination, Final Examination and Overall Performance

Terminal/Final Examination Final Examination & Overall Performance
Excellent 80% and above Excellent 80% and above
Very Good 75% to 79% Very Good 70% to 79%
Good 65% to 74% Good 50% to 69%
Satisfactory 45% to 64% Satisfactory 40% to 49%
Poor 30% to 44% Fail Below 40%
Fail Below 30% ----- -----

Placement Opportunities

There are few courses having 100% job guarantee. Only graduate students are allowed to avail this opportunity after qualifying the Entrance Examination. Besides the student have to score a minimum of 70% marks in agreegate.

For some advance courses NYCLD will assist successful students for job through campus interviews, vacancy notification and influential references from Authorised Training Centres. But these courses are not job guaranteed.
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  August 15, 2018

NYCLD Family wishes you all a very Happy Independence Day - 2018.

  October 28, 2017

NYCLD organizes ABDC-2017 (All Bengal Drawing Competition - 2017). For details contact your nearest branch of NYCLD.

  January 12, 2017

Team NYCLD wishes you all on National Youth Day 2017.

  January 12, 2016

Team NYCLD pays tribute to Swami Vivekananda on the occasion of National Youth Day.

  January 11, 2016

NYCLD requests to integrate our youth in India's progress & ensure youth-led development across the Nation.

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