NYCLD is a mission of PC-TECH.
This section will let you know the
Achievements of PC-TECH
since the beginning.



That was 1995-1997. Basically this period was the boom for the market of Computer and IT Education as a very new sector in the industry. Only a few gigantic companies and Government departments just implemented the use of computers for their official needs. Gradually the requirement of Computer Operators was going to the hype. Eventually a few organizations also had been using this opportunity for their profits to reach the sky. Only the students of upward classes were able to step in for the new era of technology. Because having a course on basic knowledge of Computer Operation was alike buying a car. On that time the real backbone of India, the general masses that belong either in middle class or lower middle class never got the opportunity to come in the forefront. It was very much expected to have a massive IT explosion in the country and have some initiatives from the Government and NGOs to spread the awareness.

PC-TECH, one of the pioneers of West Bengal took this initiative as a challenge on behalf of those who always been in back due to their economic backwardness.

1997 - 1998
1st January 1997 a group of visionary goal seekers started a Computer Training Institution in the heart of industrial town, Burnpur with the name of "PC-TECH". The main objective has always been to impart training on using Personal Computers for the betterment of life. It was an initiative to make technology reach to a class of society that had been waiting but did not get such an opportunity to learn at their affordable cost.

From the very beginning PC-TECH did set a goal to make a maximum number of Computer Literate in its local and surrounding areas. Thus, in 1998, within one and half year of starting, PC-TECH established its Corporate Office at Asansol to promote Computer awareness more massively. As because Asansol is known, the corridor of West Bengal, Bihar & Jharkhand, it was so easy to cover a wide area and share the goodness of technology for mankind.

In the mean time in 1998, the NDA Government of India established a committee named "Task Force on IT & SD" under the chairmanship of Shri. Jaswant Singh. It was a great initiative of Government what encouraged & supported PC-TECH and its mission to contribute in making India 100% Computer Literate & an IT Superpower within 2008.

1999 - 2002
During these years PC-TECH organised several Mass Level Computer Awareness Camps and Literacy mission in various villages and small towns of nearby districts of West Bengal & Jharkhand with the co-operation of local Social Welfare organisations or NGOs.

In February, 2001, PC-TECH officially named the campaign and the mission as "National Youth Computer Literacy Drive (NYCLD)" followed by continuing the process in similar way.

2003 - 2006
Since the starting of 2003 the organisation tried to spread NYCLD more and more in all levels of the society and developed some associates for co-operative execution. Around 50,000 people joined these seminars. Realising the need of permanent establishments of computer training in various towns, semi towns and villages PC-TECH started providing Authorisation as well as Franchisee during this period.

2007 - 2009
In the year 2007 PC-TECH got the membership of prestigious organisation "Computer Society of India (CSI)" as an Educational member for imparting quality Computer Training and spreading Computer Awareness among the masses.

When quality is concerned there is nothing to prove the level of quality other than ISO Certification. This certificate proves that the organisation maintains International Standard in terms of service or the product. PC-TECH has been awarded with ISO 9001:2008 Certificate by UKAS (United Kingdom Accreditation Society) in the year 2008. Beside that PC-TECH has got the honour to be enlisted in all Employment Exchanges by the Directorate of Employment, Govt. of West Bengal.

In this year another feather has been added to the hat of PC-TECH. The organisation has been affiliated to W.B.S.C.T.E. (West Bengal State Council of Technical Education) as well as got the opportunity to offer 50% or upto Rs. 5000/- discount to the students of select courses through Employment Exchange.

Apart from the above, PC-TECH developed an IT Solution Division in the year 2006 for providing IT solutions to various Government Departments and Private companies. Eastern Railway & Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan are two of the major clients of PC-TECH. Students of high end courses are regularly invited to participate in live projects under this department.
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  August 15, 2018

NYCLD Family wishes you all a very Happy Independence Day - 2018.

  October 28, 2017

NYCLD organizes ABDC-2017 (All Bengal Drawing Competition - 2017). For details contact your nearest branch of NYCLD.

  January 12, 2017

Team NYCLD wishes you all on National Youth Day 2017.

  January 12, 2016

Team NYCLD pays tribute to Swami Vivekananda on the occasion of National Youth Day.

  January 11, 2016

NYCLD requests to integrate our youth in India's progress & ensure youth-led development across the Nation.

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