- At a Glance
- About ISO 9001:2008 Standard
- About C.S.I.
- About W.B.S.C.T.E.


At a Glance

NATIONAL YOUTH COMPUTER LITERACY DRIVE (NYCLD) is a mass level Computer Literacy mission which is encouraged by the objectives of National Task Force on IT & SD, Govt. of India and initiated by PC-TECH Computer Education having its Registered Ofiice at Puranahat Main Road, Burnpur, Burdwan, West Bengal, PIN - 713325. Other than being a Company / Firm / Society NYCLD is a project of PC-TECH. Thus all the Affiliations and Credentials belong to PC-TECH and associated with its Registered Office only.

NYCLD is a mission initiated by PC-TECH
  1. Having a vast experience of 25 years in Computer Education & Training.
  2. Registered under Firm/Society Registration Act., Govt. of W.B. in 1996.
  3. Registered under TM Act., Govt. of India.
  4. ISO 9001 Certified Institution.
  5. Member of Computer Society of India (CSI).
  6. Affiliated to W.B.S.C.T.E (West Bengal State Council of Technical Education).
  7. Enlisted and Certified by Directorate of Employment, Govt. of West Bengal.
  8. Approved to offer upto 50% discount through Employment Exchange.
  9. Authorised Training Provider of MES courses.

About ISO 9001:2008 Standard

ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is the world's largest developer and publisher of International Standards.

ISO is a network of the national standards institutes of 162 countries, one member per country, with a Central Secretariat in Geneva, Switzerland, that coordinates the system.

ISO is a non-governmental organization that forms a bridge between the public and private sectors. On the one hand, many of its member institutes are part of the governmental structure of their countries, or are mandated by their government. On the other hand, other members have their roots uniquely in the private sector, having been set up by national partnerships of industry associations.

Therefore, ISO enables a consensus to be reached on solutions that meet both the requirements of business and the broader needs of society.

ISO standards that provide requirements or give guidance on good management practice are among the best known of ISO's offering.

About Computer Society of India (CSI)

The mission of the CSI is to facilitate research, knowledge sharing, learning and career enhancement for all categories of IT professionals, while simultaneously inspiring and nurturing new entrants into the industry and helping them to integrate into the IT community. The CSI is also working closely with other industry associations, government bodies and academia to ensure that the benefits of IT advancement ultimately percolate down to every single citizen of India.

About W.B.S.C.T.E. (West Bengal State Council of Technical Education)

AICTE started as an Advisory Body of the Ministry of Education, Government of India. By an Act of Parliament, AICTE was made a Statutory Body in 1987. The Statutory Council advised all States to give autonomous status to the State Councils of Technical Education. On the basis of aforesaid guideline, Government set-up a committee under the Chairmanship of Prof. Sankar Sen, the then Vice Chancellor of Jadavpur University to suggest procedure for setting-up a Statutory Council for the Technical Education. After examining the recommendations, Government in the Technical Education & Training Department moved a Bill before the Legislative Assembly for setting-up a Statutory Council of Technical Education. West Bengal State Council of Technical Education became a Statutory Body under West Bengal Act XXI of 1995. The Council started its activities as a Statutory Body after Gazette Notification on 12th June, 1996.

Vision of the Council

“To be a world class organization leading technological and socio-economic development of the Country by enhancing the global competitiveness of technical manpower and by ensuring high quality technical education to all sections of the society.”

The total endeavour of this Council is directed with a vision ~
  1. To impart Technical Education & Training, to provide substantial number of technicians in different disciplines for the emerging industrial fields of the State.
  2. To organize diverse training programmes from non-technical subjects to vocational areas for the educated boys and girls of urban as well as rural areas.
  3. To encourage Madhyamik and Higher Secondary passed out candidates towards job oriented programme in order to develop an aura of self employment endeavour.
  4. Enhancement of intake capacity of the existing Institutions as well as induction of disciplines in emerging fields.
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  August 15, 2018

NYCLD Family wishes you all a very Happy Independence Day - 2018.

  October 28, 2017

NYCLD organizes ABDC-2017 (All Bengal Drawing Competition - 2017). For details contact your nearest branch of NYCLD.

  January 12, 2017

Team NYCLD wishes you all on National Youth Day 2017.

  January 12, 2016

Team NYCLD pays tribute to Swami Vivekananda on the occasion of National Youth Day.

  January 11, 2016

NYCLD requests to integrate our youth in India's progress & ensure youth-led development across the Nation.

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