- Pre-Requisites
- Application Procedure
- Our Support



Becoming an Authorised Traing Centre (ATC)

Any individual or organisation can bocome an Authorised Training Centre (ATC) of National Youth Computer Literacy Drive. The interested person or the organisation heve to proceed through an Application cum Registration form. After a physibility check and status verification the NYCLD Authority will decide to select/reject the party for final processing of Agreement.

In this selection procedure there are a few pre-requisites for the interested parties.


The party have to ensure to provide
  1. At least 450 Sq.ft. of carpet area as the institutional premises for conduction NYCLD curriculam in professional way.
  2. Minimum 4 Nos. of computer systems with suitable speed and all necessary software and hardware support to conduct all courses satisfactoryly. A Pinter and internet connection.
  3. Space to accomodate individual Computer Lab, Theory Class-room, Toilet and an Office cum Counselling Area.
  4. Arrangement for fresh drinking water.
  5. Option for a well stocked student librery for additional reference regarding the course contenets.
  6. Quality Training through efficient Tecachers and ultimate marketing support by recruiting prefessional marketing team.
For more details please refer to ATC Application Proforma

Application Procedure

Any individual or organisation can bocome an Authorised Training Centre (ATC) of National Youth Computer Literacy Drive. The interested person or the organisation heve to proceed through an Application cum Registration form. The application cum Registration form is available for download here. Please download the form and send it to NYCLD Head Office by Courier or registerd post duly filled with all information and signed by the authorised person.

Click here to download Application Form & Proforma

Our Support

Support to NYCLD ATCs (Authorised Training Centres)

As soon as you join NYCLD team as an ATC, become a member of NYCLD family. Our organisation belives in co-operation and we realise that without your performance we can't survive long. NYCLD is powerd with three strong departments for Administration, Marketing and Research & Development. These departments will always assist you to grow up your performance. But offcourse you should have an attitude to work together in co-operation.

We will be providing you

  1. An Authorization to conduct all NYCLD Curriculum at your premises.
  2. Marketing Support to your marketing team
  3. Kit for your Students (including Identity Card, Bag, Books, Certificate, Mark-sheet)
  4. Course break up for individual courses as guidelines for your teachers
  5. Dummy Question Papers
  6. Faculty Training (as per requirement)
  7. Marketing and counseling Training (as per requirement)
  8. Attendance of H.O. personnel in Seminars arranged by you.
  9. Marketing Kits for your marketing staffs.
  10. Free promotional materials on achievement of periodical target.
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  August 15, 2018

NYCLD Family wishes you all a very Happy Independence Day - 2018.

  October 28, 2017

NYCLD organizes ABDC-2017 (All Bengal Drawing Competition - 2017). For details contact your nearest branch of NYCLD.

  January 12, 2017

Team NYCLD wishes you all on National Youth Day 2017.

  January 12, 2016

Team NYCLD pays tribute to Swami Vivekananda on the occasion of National Youth Day.

  January 11, 2016

NYCLD requests to integrate our youth in India's progress & ensure youth-led development across the Nation.

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